What I Read in 2009

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What i read in 2009

This was my second year of attempting to read 52 books in 52 weeks. And, as in 2008, I met the overall goal.

In 2009, I read 71 books. This was down a bit from 2008, when I read 83, but that’s basically in line with my goal. I had planned to read fewer comics (and did; 41 in 2009 vs. 54 in 2008), which was likely to reduce the overall number of books.

The total breakdown of my 2009 reading was:

Graphic Novel: 41
Non-Fiction: 8
Novels: 12
Short Story Collections: 9
Business: 1

My other achieved goals included reading more short story collections (9 in 2009 vs. 4 in 2008) and more novels (12 in 2009 vs. 10 in 2008). I’d also planned to read 3 business books this year, but, as in 2008, read just 1.

My 2010 reading goals are:

  • Keep the number of comics read about level
  • Read double-digit non-fiction and short story collections
  • Read two business books

I’ll check in in early 2011 with the results.


  • Lara says:

    Congratulations! I am undertaking this endeavor for the first time this year and found your site when I was doing some initial research for it and to get ideas. I am pretty certain I will be lucky to hit the 52 mark, let alone surpass it. Good luck again this next time around.